Roast Lamb

Quantity: feeds 12 people

Bake at 350 Degrees

1 5lb Lamb

Marinade: - Should be more of a paste

Chapped Garlic

Dry Rosemary

Chopped Fresh Mint

1 Large Lemon zest & Juice


Black Pepper

Oilive OIl

Basting Sauce:

OIlive OIl

Chopped Garlic

Lemon Juice

  1. Cut off as much fat from the lamb as possible.

  2. Cut slices into the meat to give the marinade access.

  3. Rub the Marinade all over and in those cuts.

  4. Wrap the lamb in plastic and refrigerate overnight

  5. Heat the grill as hot as you can and sear all sides of the roast of a mintue of two until crispy.

  6. Place in oven at 340 Degress on a raised roating pan with water in the bottom and cook until done, basting occasionally. Use the oven-connected probe for a perfectly cooked roast.

  7. You should expect at minimum about 25 min per lb.

  8. Let it rest for a while before serving